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Too many agents base their business plan on doing business only with family, friends and their referrals. This unfortunately leads to a very mediocre result for most. Therefore, you must learn how to do business with people that you don’t know in order to create a more consistent, predictable and profitable business! GRAB OUR FREE […]

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When starting your real estate business you might be excited about the company you’ve joined and the training, coaching and mentoring that is promised everywhere; however, it’s critical to remember that Nobody’s Coming For You! You must build your won plan for success and execute on that plan each and every day!  GRAB OUR FREE […]

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When  you start your real estate agent business you need to set a clear gross commission income goal and set it as your north star. Your goal should be big enough to compel you to grow, but realistic enough to be in alignment with what’s possible in your target market. Real pros always tie their […]

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One of the main reasons small businesses such as the real estate agent business fail is because the owner doesn’t realize that they’ll need to be 3 people in one: The entrepreneur with the clear vision, the manager with the clear plan and the technician who does the exact work the plan calls for. GRAB […]

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According to the National Association Of Realtors® the average real estate agent will be out of the business inside of 5 years. The number one problem is that they were never given a simple and effective plan to follow and grow their business into!  GRAB OUR FREE COURSES  6 Steps To Home Buyer Success – […]

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A real estate transaction is the single largest financial and emotional transaction most people will ever make in a lifetime and the closing process only heightens the anxiety level. The key as a buyer is to remain focused on your dates and deadlines but also be prepared to be flexible when necessary to get the […]

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Do I have To Follow The Dates In My Contract?  GRAB OUR FREE COURSES  6 Steps To Home Buyer Success –  7 Steps To Home Seller Plan –  8 Steps To Agent Success –   SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST  Apple Podcasts:  PocketCasts:  Castro: 

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EmmBoYGwrWkWhen you enter into a contract to purchase a property you have agreed to adhere to certain critical dates, deadlines and action steps. These details are not to be ignored or taken lightly if you expect to protect you deposit money and ultimately your successful purchase of that property. GRAB OUR FREE COURSES  6 Steps […]

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Although there is no such thing as a perfect negotiation, it is a fact that once a contract has been signed, in essence, both the buyer and the seller have entered into a win-win scenario. For the buyer it’s best to focus on the victory of getting the seller to have chosen you as the […]

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Many home buyers enter into the negotiation phase trying to read too far into why the seller is selling and often go so far as to make up a narrative as to what they think the seller is thinking. Ultimately, this is simply a business transaction where the market will find its price level for […]

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