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(Prices and inventory current as of Nov 30, 1999)

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Have You Set Your Financial Target?| The Griffin Realty Group | Ask-A-Griffin Podcast #54

Have You Set Your Financial Target?| The Griffin Realty Group | Ask-A-Griffin Podcast #54

When  you start your real estate agent business you need to set a clear gross commission income goal and set it as your north star. Your goal should be big enough to compel you to grow, but realistic enough to be in alignment with what’s possible in your target market. Real pros always tie their G.C.I. goal to the marketing so they only spend on what will help them achieve that goal.


➡ 6 Steps To Home Buyer Success –
➡ 7 Steps To Home Seller Plan –
➡ 8 Steps To Agent Success –


➡ Apple Podcasts:


Free Buyer Plan
Free Seller Plan
Free Agent Plan
